Three Things You Can Do for Your Business Right Now
No one has to tell you that we’re in uncharted waters right now. Everything feels uncertain, but one thing we do know. This frightening journey will end. And because we are the resilient and brilliant people that we are, we survive and even thrive when it does.
I don’t know about you, but I have a long list of little “someday” projects at home. You know the ones; those tasks that always seem to be outranked by an event, shopping, or even happy hour. Now that those “distractions” are on hold, I’m using the extra time to tackle a few of those “someday” projects. For example, this weekend, I emptied my kitchen drawers and put new liners in them. Exciting, right? Okay, I know, not exciting, but yet somehow rewarding. Now apply this line of thinking to your business. Now that you have time, use it tackle some of those business tasks that keep getting put on the backburner.
- Update your website. Go through it and get rid of outdated information. Think about what you can add. Visitors love fresh content; and so do the search engines. Take a look at the overall design of your site. Is it time for a fresh new look? Take a look at your site on a mobile phone. Does it look good? Is it easy to navigate? If not, use this time to move to a design that looks professional and easy to use on that small screen.
- Create new content. Give some thought to both your customers and to prospects. Put yourself in their shoes. Make a list for each audience. What do they need to know about your product or service? Develop a few case studies that show how your product or service solved a problem or situation. Written content is great, but can you take your communication to a new level with video? Online video has a much higher engagement than most any other type of content.
- Communicate with your constituencies. This probably the most important tip. Your customers, prospects, and employees NEED to hear from you. Tell them what your business is doing in response to the pandemic. Even if it’s the same thing your competitors or other businesses are saying, it’s important for them to hear from you. One of the worst things you can do for your business right now is to go silent. Use email, social media, and your web site to keep your name in front of them. Tell them how they can still get your products or services. Think drive-up and pick-up. Or, if you offer a service, is it something that can be offered via web conferencing? Offer novel ways they can use your products or services while they are sheltering in place. Tell a story. Get personal. Let them know how you are weathering this situation both personally and professionally.
At Lexica Communications, we’re doing all of these things as well as reaching out to clients to help them develop engaging messaging for their audiences. The Lexica team has always worked virtually and is ready to help businesses along this unusual journey. We encourage you to connect with us for more ideas on how to use this time to shore up your communication mainsail and avoid finding your business adrift. By doing so, you’ll be ready to take advantage of the winds that will blow when the environmental and economic weather clears.
Find Lexica Communications, Inc. at,, and at 763-390-4163.